Saturday 14 September 2013

Championing Sustainable Development for Malaysian Highlands Mendokong Pembangunan Lestari untuk Tanah Tinggi di Malaysia

Championing Sustainable Development for Malaysian Highlands
Mendokong Pembangunan Lestari untuk Tanah Tinggi di Malaysia

A view of a tea plantation in Cameron Highlands (Photo credit: Wan Izzuddin Sulaiman)

A view of the Banjaran Titiwangsa from Bidor Valley (Photo credit: Wan Izzuddin Sulaiman)

The highlands ecosystem in Malaysia is probably the most precious and yet the most fragile ecosystem that we have. The Titiwangsa range provides the backbone for which the Malayan peninsula exists and the Crocker range its associated highlands of Borneo are considered as the very “Heart of Borneo”. The highlands ecosystem is serene and captivating in ambience, moderately cool in weather, rich in biodiversity, and plays important ecological role in maintaining the immaculate balance of our entire biome. The highlands are the watersheds of the country. Water that is the essence of all life starts its journey to the sea from these high mountains, passing through the creeks and streams, down the lakes and rivers, and into the reservoirs which then flows into our homes and gardens. The highlands are where the rich carbon deposits – or carbon sinks - are found. These deposits exist in the form of the lush greeneries of the tropical rainforests, most of which are found in areas above 500 meters above the sea level. These carbon sinks have been playing their pivotal role in absorbing excess carbon dioxide that have been produced by human civilization for millions of years. Without the carbon sinks planet earth would have been suffocated with carbon dioxide millions of years ago.         

Despite these undeniable ecological roles, the highlands ecosystem in Malaysia is increasingly being endangered. Massive deforestations, opening up of large tracts of forests to give way to agriculture and other human activities, are threatening the immaculate balance of the highlands ecosystem. They are fragile, once broken, probably never recovered. The roles that highlands ecosystem contributes to our survival such as of top soil retention, carbon sequestration, water storage, genetic banking, and the enchanting beauty and serenity – all has been compromised for short term economic gains.         

We are championing the sustainable development of Malaysian highlands. We seek to garner the support of individuals, consumers, professionals, citizen groups, governments and businesses to promote the practice of sustainability, the preservation of biodiversity, and the values of accountability and responsibility towards the fragile ecosystem of the Malaysian highlands. It is the lack of these root values that have paved way to unprincipled exploitation of the highlands. The lack of these core values has led us into rampant environmental degradation, species extinction, corruption, un-just distribution of resources, unsustainable practices in production, social discord, and even climate change.      

I am working under the Yayasan Bina Lestari Malaysia (The Malaysian Foundation for Sustainable Development) as a director. The foundation is a not for profit organization committed to the promotion of healthy and sustainable living through the sharing of information and the equitable sharing of resources. The Yayasan seeks support in the form of donations, volunteers, ideas, services, materials, and professional inputs to champion our cause – fighting for the sustainable development of our highlands. The Yayasan’s sole supporter now is Team Biovision Sdn Bhd, a biotechnology, food technology & agriculture consulting company owned by the directors.

Feel free to browse my blog or contact me for more information on what we do and how to work together with us to reclaim back the pristine nature of our highlands.


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